FMF – Sabbath Rest

We run from task to task and place to place.  We carry our self-importance and wonder what the “world” would do without us.  We weigh ourselves down with things that were never ours to carry.  It is not what God desires and definitely not what He modeled for us.

On the seventh day He rested. 

He set aside the business of creating and rested in a day called “Holy”.  A day set apart as an example for us.

We don’t follow well.  We run ahead.  Blindly carrying our own importance as if it was what breathes life.   We forget that there is only One who can breathe life into that which has none.   There is only One who can call anything important and it truly be so.  There is only One who can call anything holy and he did – the seventh day.  A Sabbath set aside – holy – a life giving, life breathing rest.    


Today I am joining in with the Five Minute Friday prompt at  It is there we are given a prompt and then write for 5 minutes – no editing.  Check out all the great posts!

Five Minute Friday

2 thoughts on “FMF – Sabbath Rest

  1. Becky Daye

    Beautiful! I have been pondering this idea of Sabbath rest for some time now. What a gift God has given us in this idea of rest- the gift of Him, not of us! I loved your emphasis on how our own self importance can cause us to not seek rest.
    Thank you!!!


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