Category Archives: words

The Morning Fog


This morning the fog falls heavy and deep.  It masks the beauty just behind its veil.  Still, in its haze I hear a beckon to come – to enter in and seek what is hidden beyond my sight.

Some have wondered where I have been.  This place so quiet and empty for so long.  I am grateful that you have not forgotten me in my silence. I have been caught in my own fog of a major life change.  Stuck in a season of unknowing.  Having to learn new roles has overwhelmed me to distraction.

Yet, as the morning fog beckons so does this little space of mine.

I pray that my words will be uncovered.  They have veiled too long in the haze of distraction.  So I enter in to take hold of what has been hiding just outside the grasp of my heart.

This new season needed a new face.  I hope you like its bright, new appearance.  It is still a work in progress – yet in this life, most everything is, right?!



Be Still


Be still and know that I am God.

Psalm 46:10

I have felt a call of late. It is beckoning my very soul into its presence. It asks nothing more of me than to be quiet. It would seem at first glance that I am being asked the impossible.

The frenetic pace of life has infected me with its virus of restless and wandering thoughts. I am tainted, contaminated but thankfully, not terminal.

So, I wait.

In the quiet of my surroundings, I wait. Loudly and impatiently, I wait.

There is a mystery in silence,

Surrender and healing draw near.


Be still and know that I am GOD

You are the Alpha and Omega. All things are created by your hand. Nothing, absolutely nothing happens without your knowledge. Great are you, Lord, and mighty in power. My existence is by your hand. My very breath is whispered from your lips.

Be still and know that I AM

You were before anything was. You are here now. You will forever be. What You are I am not nor will I ever be.

Be still and KNOW

It doesn’t come easy. Good things rarely do. Priceless items like wisdom and knowledge are treasures to seek. I know very little, save the fact, I want you Lord – morning, noon, night, inside, out, above, around and below – only to know You.


Quiet me. I create my own clamor. Incessantly, even when I don’t want to, I do. Turn my very being away from the outward things and toward you.


Exist in Him.

Exist for Him.

Breathe Him alone.

(This is a repost from my very first blog and a whisper from my heart today)



A Springtime Prayer


The windows are open.  The birds are singing.  The sun is breaking through the budding tree limbs and the dewdrops that fell from the morning’s birth sparkle iridescent.  Spring is rising from the slumber of winter. 

Oh, how my whole being yearns for this time of year. 

While the necessity of winter’s dormancy is understood, its sleeping grayness wears heavy at the end.  When the early sprouts of spring break the ground, my heart rejoices for what is to come.

Most Gracious Father, you created heaven and earth – sun and moon – plant and animals.  You placed me in a time and a season for your glory.  My life’s breath comes from your lips.  This morning I rejoice in the new day.  As the dormancy of winter passes and my sleeping eyes awake to this new season, I seek your heart to follow.  May all that I think, say or do bring a smile to your face and glory to your name.  May I seek to be courageous enough to break those hard ground areas in my own life that have been long unattended.  Lord, till the soil of my heart so the seeds of your grace grow in and through me.  Thank you Father for reminders in creation that sing Truth into my heart – In Jesus name I pray.  Amen.

FMF – Sabbath Rest

We run from task to task and place to place.  We carry our self-importance and wonder what the “world” would do without us.  We weigh ourselves down with things that were never ours to carry.  It is not what God desires and definitely not what He modeled for us.

On the seventh day He rested. 

He set aside the business of creating and rested in a day called “Holy”.  A day set apart as an example for us.

We don’t follow well.  We run ahead.  Blindly carrying our own importance as if it was what breathes life.   We forget that there is only One who can breathe life into that which has none.   There is only One who can call anything important and it truly be so.  There is only One who can call anything holy and he did – the seventh day.  A Sabbath set aside – holy – a life giving, life breathing rest.    


Today I am joining in with the Five Minute Friday prompt at  It is there we are given a prompt and then write for 5 minutes – no editing.  Check out all the great posts!

Five Minute Friday

My Portion

I have a coworker who lives right on the Potomac River.  He and his wife wake up each morning to sunrises over the water.  Often, as I am driving to work on the George Washington Parkway I get a quick glimpse of these morning lights shimmering through the trees.  I think of them and enviously wish these views were my morning portion.  Each day seems markedly different than the previous and yet, not one is less than the other. 

All are captivating.

This morning as I walked once again around our little lake (or is it a pond), I prayed for fresh eyes to see His glory and grace.  He never disappoints – as I am so often prone to do.  A whispered prayer carried to the heavens and then this I behold…


He is a generous God.  A giver all that is good and perfect.  He calls us to choose the right thing like Mary who sat His feet savoring His Presence and not be like Martha who was distracted and bothered by the unnecessary (Luke 10: 41-42)

Friends, I am so guilty of a Martha mindset.  I miss the beauty in my own little world – too busy to see the graces right in front of me – too distracted by the unnecessary to enjoy my portion.  So today, I pray for eyes to see, ears to listen and a heart to ponder.

Today I savor His presence in my portion.  Join me, my friends, for we each have our share of grace to enjoy.