Let the Stones Speak


Last Saturday, I walked a labyrinth.

It is something that I have always wanted to do but never have had the opportunity – at least not in the realness of cobblestones crammed with twists and turns.

Walking a labyrinth probably seems like such an odd thing to do for some. I have to confess my husband wasn’t quite sure of its purpose and I really didn’t know how to explain its tug.

So I didn’t try. I just encouraged us both to walk.

Off he went with a pace like he was trying to win a race. We do that don’t we…move through life with such velocity that we miss the fact no one is racing save us. His human nature kicked in. Move along, things to do and places to see. Instinct changed his pace. It always does.

I think I whispered once or twice, “Slow down. Consider the turns…the almost there’s but not. It is a lot like life, don’t you think?”

I am not sure he thought that at all.

So, I stopped talking and kept walking which is what I should have been doing all along.

Walking the labyrinth isn’t a group event. It is singular moment. Mystery wrapped in the ordinary act of putting one foot in front of the other. While my husband raced past, I didn’t fully enter in. Like a puzzle not fully complete it is calling me back to do it again.

And, so I will. Step in, walk around and listen to the stones speak.




4 thoughts on “Let the Stones Speak

  1. Lisa notes

    I’ve only walked 2 labyrinths, but both were wonderful experiences. Strange as it sounds. ha. But you probably understand now for yourself. It is “mystery wrapped in the ordinary”–nicely said.

    1. Denise Post author

      Lisa, I am looking forward to stepping again. Sometimes it is the incredible simple acts that pull with the deepest tugs, won’t you agreed?

  2. Laura

    Hey, beautiful you! I saw your sweet face in the comments over at Lisa’s and had to come and visit. It’s been too long. I love how you say this, Denise, “Mystery wrapped in the ordinary act of putting one foot in front of the other.” Yes, I’ve experienced this. But I do have to slow and quiet myself to find that sacred place. Happy day to you, friend!


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